Price overview
Here you will find an overview of the available rates for your stay at Natürlich Hell. The prices are not fixed and may vary depending on the season and occupancy. On our booking portal, you can view available slots, the current price, and the cancellation policy valid for the selected offer. We always recommend purchasing travel insurance, as things often turn out differently than expected.

best available rate
- best flexible rate
- bookable at any time
- 30% deposit upon booking, balance upon arrival
- cancellable until 21 days before arrival
non-refundable price - only bookable online
- minus 5% discount on the current daily price
- bookable until 5 days before arrival
- 100% deposit at booking (tourist tax to be paid on spot)
- not cancelable, no rebooking possible
The price always includes two persons. For all guests the use of the sanitary area, the indoor pool, the outdoor pool (May-September), as well as the use of the children's playrooms is included.
We try to accommodate space requests, but there is no guarantee or claim for a specific space number. Changes to the pitch number are possible at any time. No notification will be given in chase of a pitch change. The category of the pitch is guaranteed.